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custom behaviour on custom entity

Discussion in 'Development' started by Nitsuguaaa, Aug 17, 2021.

  1. Nitsuguaaa

    Nitsuguaaa Creeper

    Hello, I created a human entity with a custom skin but I created the entity in the pluginbase so it creates the entity whenever I execute a command like /human. Is there any way to apply a custom behavior to the entity? I found a code that makes an entity behave like an enemy where it follows a player and attacks but I have no idea on how to combine the custom entity and the boss behavior
    class myEntity extends myBehavior

        public function 
    getName(): string

        public function 
    initEntity(): void
    $image imagecreatefrompng(Main::getInstance()->getDataFolder() . "bomber.png");
    $data '';
    for (
    $y 0$height imagesy($image); $y $height$y++) {
        for (
    $x 0$width imagesx($image); $x $width$x++) {
    $color imagecolorat($image$x$y);
    $data .= pack("c", ($color >> 16) & 0xFF//red
    pack("c", ($color >> 8) & 0xFF//green
    pack("c"$color 0xFF//blue
    pack("c"255 - (($color 0x7F000000) >> 23)); //alpha
    $skin = new Skin("Bomber"$data);

    I tried separating the custom entity onto the main plugin and just extend it onto the boss behavior but no matter where I place the setSkin, whether it's on the pluginbase or the custom entity file, it just throws an error that it needs a valin skin id. I have already tried setting the entity skin in the pluginbase and it works just fine.
  2. minijaham

    minijaham Skeleton

    You can combine these two functions for the movement:

    $entity->setRotation($yaw$pitch); // Rotate the entity's head towards player
    $entity->move($x$y$z); // Move the entity to a specific coordinat
    I can think of two methods for attacking but the first one is simple, yet deprecated, so I don't recommend it.
    Second one is too long to explain and I don't want to sit here explaining everything by text, so you might want to check out other people's work for it.

    Agent and Nitsuguaaa like this.
  3. Nitsuguaaa

    Nitsuguaaa Creeper

    Oh that's cool, alright imma try the movement and I think I found my answer of entity attacking as well, thanks!
    minijaham likes this.
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