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Discussion in 'Help' started by EnesTNTm, Feb 15, 2019.

  1. EnesTNTm

    EnesTNTm Creeper

    export e PATH=/opt/plesk/php/7.2/bin:$PATH;
    [root@DASD ~]# curl -sL https://get.pmmp.io | bash -s - -r
    [*] Retrieving latest build data for channel "alpha"
    [*] Found PocketMine-MP 3.6.2 (build 1746) for Minecraft: PE v1.9.0 (PHP 7.2)
    [*] This alpha build was released on Thu Feb 14 17:18:19 UTC 2019
    [*] Installing/updating PocketMine-MP on directory ./
    [1/3] Cleaning...
    [2/3] Downloading PocketMine-MP phar... done!
    [3/3] Obtaining PHP: detecting if build is available... Linux PHP build available... downloading 7.2 ... updating php.ini... checking... downloaded PHP build doesn't work on this platform!
    [3/3] No prebuilt PHP found, compiling PHP automatically. This might take a while.

    [PocketMine] PHP compiler for Linux, MacOS and Android
    [INFO] Checking dependencies
    [ERROR] Please install "autoconf"
    [ERROR] Please install "automake"
    [ERROR] Please install "m4"
    [ERROR] Please install "bison"
    [ERROR] Please install "g++"
    [ERROR] Please install "libtool" or "libtool-bin"
  2. HimbeersaftLP

    HimbeersaftLP Fish

    There is your problem.

    If your Linux Distro is Debian based (most likely it is), you can use apt to install them like this:
    apt install make autoconf automake libtool m4 wget getconf gzip bzip2 bison g++ git
    Also I noticed you are using the root user, this is discouraged as it's a big security vulnerability which could lead to malicious plugins (or even security holes in PMMP itself, if there are any) potentially bricking your system or stealing sensitive data.
    wolfdale likes this.
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