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Check for alt account

Discussion in 'Development' started by minijaham, Feb 28, 2021.

  1. minijaham

    minijaham Skeleton

    Hey! I've been looking for ways to block an account if there is already a registered user with the same IP.

    Any ideas? I couldn't come up with ways other than registering the first IP of a player and having a check whenever a new player joins.

    Which is a very bad idea once the server has lots of users registered!
    Primus likes this.
  2. mmm545

    mmm545 Baby Zombie

    Storing IPs to check for alts won't really work, they can use something like a VPN, and also maybe there are multiple legit people who are joining from the same IP because they are on the same network
    I can't think of any way to block alts so I can't help with that
    Primus likes this.
  3. minijaham

    minijaham Skeleton

    I see...
    Thanks for the reply!
    Primus likes this.
  4. dadodasyra

    dadodasyra Witch

    Data that can take you on a multiple soundtrack but overall more or less easily possible to be distorted.
    The UUID is a little bit special id that I'm not going to look into.
    The XUID is a unique id defined by xbox per xbox account. Therefore it is therefore possible to change it by changing the account, it implies having one email per account.
    The CID / client id is simply a number in the files on the client side. Duplicates have already happened to me, several people having the same cid even though they have no relation. Probably crack. But keep in mind that this is not a safe id on which you can say that 2 accounts necessarily come from the same person. It can also be modified by changing this said file.
    The ip is a good way to curb those who want to use a double account, but can still be easily changed. First of all today a good part of the operators gives a dynamic ip to its customers, therefore an ip which will change with each restart and / or each day / week. 4G players have an ip which will change each time they disconnect and reconnect to their operator's servers, and finally the poor with a fixed ip can use a vpn.

    Today if you want to prevent a person from coming back after a ban with a double account I suggest you ban their XUID, their nickname, their ip, and install an anti vpn with third party services such as https: // proxycheck .io / which offers rather interesting services (but if your player speed is high enough I strongly advise you to register the ip addresses and send a request to the site only if it is a new ip never registered). Finally you can compare the CIDs but it is better not to block them automatically, the best is to let a human judge the situation. Personally I send a message on my discord with a webhook as soon as someone connects with the same cid as someone banned.
    Primus likes this.
  5. minijaham

    minijaham Skeleton

    Thanks for the reply, but what I was looking for is quite different. It's a literal alt prevention where you can't even join in the first place if an account has already played the server in the same IP.

    Maybe a device recognization? Is it possible in PMMP..?
    Primus likes this.
  6. Primus

    Primus Zombie Pigman

    minijaham likes this.
  7. minijaham

    minijaham Skeleton

  8. dadodasyra

    dadodasyra Witch

    If you want a completly secure verification you can use account verification trough a custom website with a phone verification for example. But you will lose a lot of player with this. And yes you can know what device the player use but I think it's not a very good idea to ban an Iphone 11
    minijaham likes this.
  9. TestDevelopment

    TestDevelopment Spider Jockey

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