All logged in users can vote once for each checked plugin at the moment, but when we sort out 'reputable members' or whatever it will be, only they will be able to see and vote for checked plugins. Or something like that!
by making it reputable member ONLY is kind of backlogging our self out of voters in this current state we already need reviewers to check for plugins personally i think it's kinda a unnessary step to require more selected users to vote again you should also make a clear line between voting/rating because it is good and voting/rating because it's safe since normally the safeness is dealt with reviewers only (on omd PMMP forum etc) only then the quality is dealt with by user's votes of 1-5 votes
Hopefully only safe stuff will make it to 'checked', and it'll stay as it is with Checked plugins visible to all logged in users for voting until it's necessary to change.
Not sure yet, but when there are a hundred voted plugins available I doubt 'checked' will still be visible, the idea being to keep the quality high.
but the newer plugins need some sort of exposure and i dont think we should reley that on only a certain minority yeah i can see there's still concepts that needs a lot of sorting out
You're joking, right? Wrong place. Your question is entirely irrelevant to this thread. Whatever you think you know about PHP and PMMP: You're wrong. PHP version doesn't determine what blocks and items can be implemented in PMMP directly.
Sorry, I'm new here, and thanks. Where would I go, and does the pocketmine-mp.phar determine the blocks and items? Thanks, Zeusxl60
Make a thread in General or Off-Topic for that type of thing. Yes, the phar file contains the server's code, therefore it determines what the server does. However, there isn't a specific phar that contains all of the blocks and items in 1.1. There are different branches and versions of phar files you can use, but the only suggested branch is master, because it's the most stable.