Poggit has finally come to the stage of Beta! What is Poggit? Poggit is... many things! It is probably easier if you visit https://poggit.pmmp.io directly and have your adventure! Poggit-CI Poggit provides a CI (continuous integration) for plugins. Basically, every time you push commits onto GitHub, or when you receive a pull request, Poggit-CI will make phars from your code. It also has a feature called Lint, where Poggit will detect common problems in plugins. For how to push your plugins to GitHub, see this thread by @PEMapModder: You can download plugins from Poggit-CI, but this is not the release platform, and builds you download from Poggit-CI may be dangerous. We (will) have a nicer section for listing officially-approved plugins... Poggit Release Plugins submitted to Poggit Release will go through multiple steps of reviewing. Quick review: Staff would look at the code quickly, and reject any spam or malicious plugins. Community review: Established users can vote to approve or reject plugins. The plugin will then be publicly available. Official review: The official review, probably slower than other steps. Note that all plugins released must be built from Poggit-CI to facilitate reviewing. Actually, the link to the Poggit Release plugin list page is on these forums already! What does Beta mean? This is beta. This is beta, not the release candidate. In the Poggit roadmap, beta is the stage when its basic (infrastructural) development has completed, and everyone can use it safely. In other words, from now on, Poggit should normally have no downtime. The server running at https://poggit.pmmp.io is a production server where you (hopefully) can trust your data on it. Support/bugs Bugs: https://github.com/poggit/poggit/issues Support: https://github.com/poggit/support/issues
I probably forgot to mention: Poggit is not to replace DevTools! Manually building phars is for local testing. Poggit-CI packaging is for deployment.
Finally! All plugins will support the current API! Yay! SO USEFUL too bad there are only a few plugins there so far
There's always the fun of bumping API's and seeing what breaks right guys.. guys come on who's with me...
unless you're me and just bump it to bump it and something breaks and you dont know how to fix it so you pray for the verified and dev gods to save you from your circumstances
I had my doubts but there's actually a steady stream of plugins being uploaded to poggit at least once a week I think there's already 8 plugins available
Do the plugin reviewers just test plugins after they bump the API or do they test and look through code to make sure it wasn't written by a 3 year old or myself?
they make sure the code is not something malicious that dont work Or is properly written is praticale and so on
That would most likely be different for each plugin, as though it probably depends on how big a plugin is, how much time the reviewers have, and what the plugins does.
What is the relationship?... Verified != God! There are some that I really wouldn't agree upon anything that they post... According to what @Humerus, the former "only" plugin reviewer on old forums, shares with us on his experience in plugin reviewing, these should be take into consideration: More precisely: code readability, possible plagiarism, potential damage to server and whether it is functional First of all, plugins have to conform to these plugin standards I recommended. Second, plugins have to conform to the "reasonable points" in the plugin submission guidelines on old forums. Unreasonable points include disallowing plugins serving similar functionalities as official plugins; #BlameShoghi; as long as a plugin's functionality isn't entirely covered by another plugin, it should be allowed for competition. Also, forks are not allowed for release unless you have major changes; for minor changes, they will be forked by the Poggit Orphanage to update them so that no human would unreasonably get all credits for a plugin that they didn't develop.
One thing worth mentioning is that there are many more other plugins on Poggit, which are Checked and pending for more serious reviewing. However, we're working on implementing voting, so I suppose a few more days/weeks would be needed.
Voting is now enabled for 'Checked' plugins to promote them to 'Voted' status; For the moment 'Checked' plugin releases are visible to all logged users, but once there are enough plugins submitted this will change to 'Voted' upwards.