I'm appalled by your stupidity. You have two Main classes, but the one that you're using to enable the plugin has the namespace above <?php which means it'll throw an error. Remove that and you'll be fine. PHP: namespace Mega\pl;<?phpnamespace Mega\pl;use pocketmine\plugin\PluginBase;// No need of use path\CommandNameClass; because it's in the same folderclass MainBase extends PluginBase { public function onEnable(){ $this->getServer()->getLogger()->info("Mega System Enabled!"); $this->getServer()->getCommandMap()->register("sysver", new Ver($this)); }} Just a friendly suggestion from me, but remove the other Main class since you aren't using it at all.
Is this the same code that you sent via the ZIP file? Because if not, send the code of your MainBase class.
Are you positive that you've updated it via your plugins folder? P.S. I'd study up on PHP more, because as of now you seem clueless on what you're doing.
You didn't answer my question, "bro." If you want help, you're going to have to put effort into this as well. We're not going to just do everything for you.
How can I know the issue if you haven't provided any effort whatsoever. Let's go over this again: 1) Verify that you're using the same code that you sent. 2) Make sure there's a semi-colon(this thing --> ; ) after your namespace.