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Automatic tnt igniting when placed

Discussion in 'Development' started by Saxavlax001, Aug 31, 2020.

  1. Saxavlax001

    Saxavlax001 Witch

    I want to make a custom tnt item,which when you try to place it in ground,it will be ignited automatically and then it will explode like a normal tnt,but I have problems though.

    Firstly,if I try to place a normal tnt or the automatic tnt I made in the air,an ignited tnt is being spawned.

    Secondly, if I place again those tnts in ground,it seems that a non ignited tnt is placed and then after some blocks away,an ignited tnt is being spawned and it blows up the with the other tnt.

    The result I ought to expect,would be after placing the tnt with custom name,(automatic tnt),I should have seen the tnt I just placed being ignited etc. but it didn't happen exactly.

         * @param BlockPlaceEvent $event
    public function onPlace(BlockPlaceEvent $event) {
    $player $event->getPlayer();

    $block $event->getBlock();
    $item $event->getItem();
    $hand $player->getInventory()->getItemInHand();
    $hand->getName() === "§l§6Automatic §eTNT" and $hand->getId() === Block::TNT) {
    I may did some mistakes when checking the custom tnt placing,but I couldn't find anything helpful enough on google.I just want someone to help me if it's possible.
  2. Saxavlax001

    Saxavlax001 Witch

    I tried to make also some different checks and add different codes to make those tnts work but I got same results.
  3. Ayzrix

    Ayzrix Witch

    You need to make a « new tnt » and extend the real tnt
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