I haven't yet met a spammer/cheat who isn't very proud of her skin, and as long as they aren't reading this or checking the source of megaban... changing skin is the last thing they think of. It's not perfect either, of course, but it's another tool you can use until they get bored having to change everything. As for VPNguard, the plugin is free, and you get 500 API calls for free iirc... but then you have to pay or disable the plugin. It works pretty well though, I used it for a while.
do you know if there is a newest version of VPNguard than Latest commit 4541c76 on 21 Jul 2017 i have an issue on API 3.0.0 and i don't know solve it https://github.com/HiddenMotives/VPNGuard/issues/14 is this plugin still maintened thanks for your help
Hackers will always get the source code of any sort of AntiGrief-System somehow if they're not private. If you write any security checks that can obviously be easily bypassed when reading the source, it won't take long until the hackers find out. (Thats what happend to quite a few paid MCPC AntiCheats actually) Btw, there is no way at all to ban someone completly at the current stage, alts can easily and freely be generated (thanks microsoft for making it that easy that every noob can do it), changeing your IP just requires most people to reboot their router (FUD against ALL anti-vpns) and the CID can be changed by simply editing a .txt file at the game directory............ Its sad but you have to face it. Real, working "Banning" is currently not possible in any edition of minecraft .
@basprohop ok VPNGuard works for me on API 3.0.0 do you have combatlogger on API 3.0.0 or similar plugin thanks
@basproshop I tested it in API 3.0.0 (plugin.yml) and i have this issue this commit don't work Code: 2018-07-05 [10:40:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Playertest[/xxx.xxx.xxx.x:1088] logged in with entity id 181 at (lobby, 256, 69, 256) 2018-07-05 [10:40:31] [Server thread/INFO]: [VPNGuard] Player Playertest has connected with the IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.x 2018-07-05 [10:40:31] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: Could not pass event 'pocketmine\event\player\PlayerJoinEvent' to 'VPNGuard v1.0.6-fiber1': Call to undefined method pocketmine\Server::getScheduler() on basprohop\VPNGuard 2018-07-05 [10:40:31] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: Error: "Call to undefined method pocketmine\Server::getScheduler()" (EXCEPTION) in "VPNGuard_dev-14.phar/src/basprohop/VPNGuard" at line 90 2018-07-05 [10:40:31] [Server thread/DEBUG]: #0 src/pocketmine/plugin/MethodEventExecutor(38): basprohop\VPNGuard->onPlayerLogin(pocketmine\event\player\PlayerJoinEvent object) 2018-07-05 [10:40:31] [Server thread/DEBUG]: #1 src/pocketmine/plugin/RegisteredListener(98): pocketmine\plugin\MethodEventExecutor->execute(basprohop\VPNGuard object, pocketmine\event\player\PlayerJoinEvent object) 2018-07-05 [10:40:31] [Server thread/DEBUG]: #2 src/pocketmine/plugin/PluginManager(756): pocketmine\plugin\RegisteredListener->callEvent(pocketmine\event\player\PlayerJoinEvent object) 2018-07-05 [10:40:31] [Server thread/DEBUG]: #3 src/pocketmine/Player(1029): pocketmine\plugin\PluginManager->callEvent(pocketmine\event\player\PlayerJoinEvent object) 2018-07-05 [10:40:31] [Server thread/DEBUG]: #4 src/pocketmine/Player(977): pocketmine\Player->doFirstSpawn() 2018-07-05 [10:40:31] [Server thread/DEBUG]: #5 src/pocketmine/level/Level(2462): pocketmine\Player->sendChunk(integer 14, integer 19, pocketmine\network\mcpe\protocol\BatchPacket object) 2018-07-05 [10:40:31] [Server thread/DEBUG]: #6 src/pocketmine/level/Level(2508): pocketmine\level\Level->sendChunkFromCache(integer 14, integer 19) 2018-07-05 [10:40:31] [Server thread/DEBUG]: #7 src/pocketmine/level/format/io/ChunkRequestTask(88): pocketmine\level\Level->chunkRequestCallback(integer 14, integer 19, pocketmine\network\mcpe\protocol\BatchPacket object) 2018-07-05 [10:40:31] [Server thread/DEBUG]: #8 src/pocketmine/scheduler/AsyncPool(285): pocketmine\level\format\io\ChunkRequestTask->onCompletion(pocketmine\Server object) 2018-07-05 [10:40:31] [Server thread/DEBUG]: #9 src/pocketmine/Server(2508): pocketmine\scheduler\AsyncPool->collectTasks() 2018-07-05 [10:40:31] [Server thread/DEBUG]: #10 src/pocketmine/Server(2255): pocketmine\Server->tick() 2018-07-05 [10:40:31] [Server thread/DEBUG]: #11 src/pocketmine/Server(2129): pocketmine\Server->tickProcessor() 2018-07-05 [10:40:31] [Server thread/DEBUG]: #12 src/pocketmine/Server(1710): pocketmine\Server->start() 2018-07-05 [10:40:31] [Server thread/DEBUG]: #13 src/pocketmine/PocketMine(237): pocketmine\Server->__construct(BaseClassLoader object, pocketmine\utils\MainLogger object, string /home/myservertest/, string /home/myservertest/plugins/) 2018-07-05 [10:40:31] [Server thread/DEBUG]: #14 /home/myservertest/PocketMine-MP.phar(1): require(string phar:///home/myservertest/PocketMine-MP.phar/src/pocketmine/PocketMine.php) 2018-07-05 [10:40:31] [Server thread/INFO]: Playertest joined the game https://github.com/PrimeGamesDevTeam/VPNGuard/commit/a2e946b6895a694b37bf1d3588a6d222d55ce866