Doesn't work, no difference. I changed it to Transparent, no difference. The block still disappears. --- No changes for Ender Pearl too: PHP: <?phpnamespace pocketmine\entity;use pocketmine\event\entity\EntityDamageEvent;use pocketmine\level\Level;use pocketmine\nbt\tag\CompoundTag;use pocketmine\network\protocol\AddEntityPacket;use pocketmine\Player;use pocketmine\entity\Projectile;use pocketmine\entity\Entity;class EnderPearl extends Projectile{ const NETWORK_ID = 87; public $width = 0.25; public $length = 0.25; public $height = 0.25; protected $gravity = 0.03; protected $drag = 0.01; protected $player; private $hasTeleportedShooter = false; public function __construct(Level $level, CompoundTag $nbt, Entity $shootingEntity = null){ parent::__construct($level, $nbt, $shootingEntity); } public function teleportShooter(){ if(!$this->hasTeleportedShooter){ $this->hasTeleportedShooter = true; if($this->isAlive()) { if ($this->shootingEntity instanceof Player and $this->y > 0) { $this->shootingEntity->attack(5, new EntityDamageEvent($this->shootingEntity, EntityDamageEvent::CAUSE_FALL, 5)); $this->shootingEntity->teleport($this->getPosition()); } $this->kill(); } } } public function onUpdate($currentTick){ if($this->closed){ return false; } $this->timings->startTiming(); $hasUpdate = parent::onUpdate($currentTick); if($this->age > 1200 or $this->isCollided){ $this->teleportShooter(); $hasUpdate = true; } $this->timings->stopTiming(); return $hasUpdate; } public function spawnTo(Player $player){ $pk = new AddEntityPacket(); $pk->type = self::NETWORK_ID; $pk->eid = $this->getId(); $pk->x = $this->x; $pk->y = $this->y; $pk->z = $this->z; $pk->speedX = $this->motionX; $pk->speedY = $this->motionY; $pk->speedZ = $this->motionZ; $pk->metadata = $this->dataProperties; $player->dataPacket($pk); parent::spawnTo($player); }} I have no idea what I'm doing wrong...
Doesn't matter, I don't really need Ender Pearls and End Rods. I'm trying to add doors, but they look like this:
@dktapps Maybe you know why the doors look so strange? I used exactly the same code as the normal oak door, I only changed the ID.