1. The forums will be archived and moved to a read only mode in about 2 weeks (mid march).


Tutorials and development snippets for Plugin Development

  1. Plugin/Virion API

    Talk about the API of individual plugins OR Poggit virions here.
    For example, if you have made a plugin with a complex but fascinating API, document it here. I don't recommend creating threads for generic and straightforward APIs, though (use the Guide prefix).
    You may also introduce a Poggit virion (library) you have written (use the Virion prefix).
    You may also suggest how the API of particular plugins can be improved, but make sure to @mention the author so that your thread gets noticed (use the Suggestion prefix).
    Or, you may introduce the planned API of your plugin and ask for comments (use the RFC prefix).
    You MUST tag each thread with the plugin name using XenForo tags.
    Latest: Spoon detection class falk, May 12, 2017
  2. Low-Quality / Outdated

    Low-quality threads in Resources forum will be moved here.
    Latest: Creating Custom Events! Remarkabless, Nov 22, 2017
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