Hello, I used http://pmt.mcpe.me/pocketmine.php for converting my plugins from zip to phar. But that website seems to have an error when I convert a zip, it just won't work. Is there another way to convert a zip file to phar.
Aww.. I tried DevTools plugin but not work. It said have a error and I don't know why. Can you give me a best download link, please?
I think someone should make a PHP phar/folder tool that runs on CLI so no one need to upload then downloading it again
that builds phar afaik but i meant a .php script where i can just php phartools.php --extract xyz.phar --out xyz --folder
>makeplugin WorldProtect [Server] [10:40:26] INFO> An unknown error occurred while attempting to perform this command [Server] [10:40:26] CRITICAL> Unhandled exception executing command 'makeplugin WorldProtect' in makeplugin: creating archive "/storage/sdcard0/PocketMine/plugins/DevTools//WorldProtect_v2.2.0.phar" disabled by the php.ini setting phar.readonly [Server] [10:40:26] CRITICAL> UnexpectedValueException: "creating archive "/storage/sdcard0/PocketMine/plugins/DevTools//WorldProtect_v2.2.0.phar" disabled by the php.ini setting phar.readonly" (EXCEPTION) in "/DevTools_v1.10.0.phar/src/DevTools/DevTools" at line 161