I dont know why few days ago lots of my plugins doesnt work or doesnt work for good. WorldProtect, Functions, MyPlot... etc Here are reasons: - WorldProtect: (Solved) - Functions: Doent work - MyPlot: If they break any block inside other player's plot, it will be add to them inventory. But the blocks were not destroyed. Is it AutoInv's fault? I dont know :\ - ... I am using PocketMine-MP phar API 3.0.0-ALPHA5 1.0.7 Version
https://poggit.pmmp.io/p/WorldProtect Plugins don't just suddenly stop working... Possible causes that come to mind: Using a spoon instead of PMMP Installing conflicting plugins Renaming worlds incorrectly
If there's a problem with WorldProtect please create an issue on the poggit-orphanage github repo, or submit a PR.