I just use new api 3.0.0 build 1665 instead of 3.0.0alpha12 and my plugin that working in 3.0.0-alpha12 now got error Code: Fatal error: Declaration of Sergey_Dertan\SClearLagg\SClearLaggMainFolder\SClearLaggMain::__construct() must be compatible with pocketmine\plugin\Plugin::__construct(pocketmine\plugin\PluginLoader $loader, pocketmine\Server $server, pocketmine\plugin\PluginDescription $description, string $dataFolder, string $file) in /home/gs/gs/data/servers/10138454/plugins/.RPAntiLagg/src/Sergey_Dertan/SClearLagg/SClearLaggMainFolder/SClearLaggMain.php on line 84 My code: PHP: <?phpnamespace Sergey_Dertan\SClearLagg\SClearLaggMainFolder;use pocketmine\command\Command;use pocketmine\command\CommandSender;use pocketmine\plugin\PluginBase;use pocketmine\utils\Config;use Sergey_Dertan\SClearLagg\Command\SClearLaggCommandExecutor;use Sergey_Dertan\SClearLagg\Entity\EntityManager;use pocketmine\utils\TextFormat as F;use Sergey_Dertan\SClearLagg\Task\TaskCreator;use pocketmine\scheduler\Task;use pocketmine\scheduler\TaskScheduler;use pocketmine\scheduler\TaskHandler;/** * Class SClearLaggMain * @package Sergey_Dertan\SClearLagg\SClearLaggMainFolder */class SClearLaggMain extends PluginBase{ /** * @var SClearLaggMain */ private static $instance; public $config; /** * @var \Sergey_Dertan\SClearLagg\Entity\EntityManager */ private $entityManager; function __construct() { self::$instance = $this; $this->entityManager = new EntityManager($this); } /** * @return SClearLaggMain */ static function getInstance() { return self::$instance; } /** * @return EntityManager */ function getEntityManager() { return $this->entityManager; } function onEnable() { @mkdir($this->getDataFolder()); $this->config = new Config($this->getDataFolder() . "Config.yml", Config::YAML, array( "Clear-msg" => " → Luxury Antilagg ← Đã dọn @count rác trên mặt đất!", "PreClear-msg" => " → Luxury Antilagg ← Đang dọn rác...", "Clear-time" => 69 )); new TaskCreator(); $this->getLogger()->info(F::GREEN . "SClearLagg V_" . $this->getDescription()->getVersion() . " by CuongDZ"); } /** * @param CommandSender $s * @param Command $cmd * @param string $label * @param array $args * @return bool|SClearLaggCommandExecutor */ function onCommand(CommandSender $s, Command $cmd, $label, array $args) : bool { new SClearLaggCommandExecutor($s, $cmd, $args); return true; } function onDisable() { $this->config->save(); $this->getLogger()->info(F::RED . "SClearLagg V_" . $this->getDescription()->getVersion() . " by CuongDZ"); }} Please help me to fix , thanks!