Hello. I really need that feature and only you can help me, because I like your server engine, which has no worthy analogues for me. The main problem is that I can't edit the submotd in any way. I know that you have not included this feature in newer versions of the server engine, but I really need it. The fact is that I run my server on a large enough local network and I really would like to be able to change this value since I have multiple servers and I cannot get the players to separate one server from another. The server name field is too short to fit what I want to insert there. I understand that you are quite busy with other functionality, but I would be very grateful if you would add such functionality to your server engine. Thanks for your attention. I look forward to hearing the answer.
he means the server version on the motd, it can be removed by editing the ProtocolInfo class which means you'll have to modify the source code. https://lbsg.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/IMG_2271-300x225.png