When i do a join, it cause that error on my plugin and the server crashed My code: $format = str_replace("{hp}", $health, $format); $format = str_replace("{ping}", $ping, $format); $format = str_replace("{os}", $os, $format); $format = str_replace("{cps}", $cps, $format); $format = str_replace("{kills}", $kills, $format); if(!$player->isDisguised()){ if(!$player->isVanished()){ $player->setNameTag($format); }else{ $player->setNameTag("§7(V) ".$format); Help please
In the last update of php changed the argument type of the second argument of str_replace, now it can only be string. Here are some methods to convert your variable: PHP: $string = strval($value); PHP: $string = (string)$value; PHP: $string = "$value";