You may not know, but astronomy is a hobby of mine. I love astronomy and I have 2 telescopes, a big 10" aperture (that's the opening where light comes in) Dobsonian telescope, and a smaller 90mm aperture Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope. Both of these are over $300 (The Mak-Cass is about $300 and the Dobsonian was $1000) and therefore most people don't want them or can't afford them. That's why I decided to take some astrophotography pics to share with you guys Have a look (Note: these were taken with a bad camera): ^^ This is most likely either Venus or Mercury ^^ These are some stars inside a nebula (The nebula is the thing that looks like a smudge around the stars. Bad camera, I should have a better one soon) These are the best pics and I should have more soon!