Hey, does anyone know a plugin that include commands for staff like /mute /ban /banip /kick /warn and that include custom messages too when someone gets kicked/banned/warned etc?
I don't know any plugin like that, but for mute u can add a command which when player gets muted you add the player in an array and register a delayed task that when time is up you unset the array where player is in, and cancel the task for him. For custom ban, and kick you could review this link. It shows how to override a command. https://forums.pmmp.io/threads/overriding-kick.3417/ Example (kick): Kick command file: PHP: execute(CommandSender $sender, $label, array $args) { [...] if($player) { $player->close("","custom message"); // If you want to send a message for the whole server Server::getInstance()->broadcastMessage("Custom message"); // I think is it }} Correct me if I'm wrong. If you just don't know how to make a plugin I think I can make one for you.
Thank you for your reply So the thing is i know how to make a plugin but im not too good at it, i just learned a week ago and until now i tried to add what i want for my server in my plugin but im really tired of doing that..i was wondering if there s a plugin that does what i asked in this thread
Sure, you can give me your Discord so we can talk there, its okay tomorrow cause i still have to do other stuff to the server
hey i just got done coding this can u test it its got permissions attached list is here Spoiler: LIST ban.command,unban.command,mute.command,unmute.command,kick.command heres the git hub link: https://github.com/Jviguy/StaffToolsPlusPlus
Search youtube for the plugin called StaffMode (It includes objects similar to a core, that with each one you can do a different thing, like tp another player, give ban, freeze and make yourself invisible) there is also the /mute
Im trying to create something similar to java, plugins that include items do execute staff commands sucks.