Hi, I'm trying to spawn a Spiral Shaped DustParticle Here's My Code PHP: $x = $player->getX();$y = $player->getY();$z = $player->getX();$center = new Vector3($x, $y, $z);$radius = 0.5;$count = 100;$particle = new DustParticle($center, mt_rand(), mt_rand(), mt_rand(), mt_rand());for($yaw = 0, $y = $center->y; $y < $center->y + 4; $yaw += (M_PI * 2) / 20, $y += 1 / 20) { $x = -sin($yaw) + $center->x; $z = cos($yaw) + $center->z; $particle->setComponents($x, $y, $z); $level->addParticle($particle);} But, The particle are not spawned at the player position
I'm guessing you use a delayed task which stores the position of the player when stored, and then casts the particles at that position. You could pass the player variable to the constructor by reference if this is the case.