First before telling my problem I just want to thanks y'all because honestly Idk where pmmp would be without these forums. Must be a headache job to help people sometimes, eh? xD So well Instead of spamming threads I wanted to merge my two problems, First when I try to play a sound to a player it isnt working Code : PHP: public function onCommand(CommandSender $sender, Command $command, string $label, array $args): bool { $name = $sender->getName(); $vector = $this->getServer()->getPlayer($name)->getPosition(); $level = $this->getServer()->getPlayer($name)->getLevel(); if ($command == "ru" || "rankup") { $level->broadcastLevelSoundEvent($vector, LevelSoundEventPacket::SOUND_LEVELUP); return true; } return true; } My second problem is that when I try to use TextFormat::OBFUSCATED it doesn't work or even the 'k' format code PHP: $sender->getServer()->broadcastMessage(TextFormat::GRAY . TextFormat::OBFUSCATED . "l" . TextFormat::RESET . TextFormat::YELLOW . "$name is " . TextFormat::AQUA . "cool" . TextFormat::YELLOW . "!" . TextFormat::GRAY . TextFormat::OBFUSCATED . "l"); Anyway you guys can help me with that?