I saw this thing on cookiebuild where they had several signs but it was a long sentence spanding accross all the sign!? How is this possible to do.. cuz I was deeply wondering about thus :3 View attachment 176 Heres a picture of it if you don't get what I mean
Please do not make duplicates of threads. https://forums.pmmp.io/threads/bypassing-a-line-of-text-on-a-sign.774/
The plugin you are looking for is this. http://forums.pocketmine.net/plugins/signmodifier.1259/ Old API. So it won't work on your server until it gets updated.
sorry for the duplication my wifi is kinda bad and it wouldn't send so I spammed the button a bit xD and I must of accidentally posted more threads, whoops. and thx I can update it
This is really the duplicated post... but I replied here instead of the other one. So, in my stupidness,,, this (https://forums.pmmp.io/threads/bypassing-a-line-of-text-on-a-sign.774/) is now classed as the duplicate. But the topic is solved now. No harm done.
IM GS CS EW TS ML There you go Deal with it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I hope i havent forgotten any or missed out on any forks, if so i sincerely apologize to any said fork maintainers and contributors
Well, this plugin was made & tested on pmmp x) poggit wasn't just released at this time so I had to publish it somewhere...