If you post the error that would be helpful. Did you create a user/password for simpleauth and grant the necessary permissions, flush, and fill in the simpleauth config correctly?
hey awzaw the error I get is Server thread/CRITICAL Invalid MySQL settings, We are using the hosting providers MySQL database so I am not sure about the permissions, and what do you mean about flush like deleting the whole folder, and yes I have filled the config correctly.
Can you connect to mysql on the command line? If so, what are you using for the db address: if 'localhost' try and vice-versa.
Ok, but what is the address ('servername') they give you for the db? Is it on the same server or remote?
pretty sure it is in the same server, ive tried it with pureperms and everything went well its just with simpleauth thats not working.
Not sure where you got that from... Try this instead (or an earlier release if you aren't on the latest master builds on API 3.0.0-ALPHA7 ) : https://poggit.pmmp.io/p/SimpleAuth/
We don't support other versions of PocketMine here or on Poggit, but you should be able to get it to work with an older release of SimpleAuth.
While we are at it. Is this the correct way to enter the MySQL settings on SimpleAuth? I put them like below but I am getting the same error this person was getting (Invalid MySQL Settings). #For MySQL: #dataProviderSettings: # host: "*******" # port: 3306 # user: "******" # password: "********" # database: "SimpleAuth" dataProviderSettings: [] @Awzaw
The # sign is the "comment sign". The YAML parser ignores any characters on the line after the # sign. You have to delete them (except the "#For MySQL" line, which is intended for humans to read and should indeed be deleted).
Not needed, but recommended. Needed if your values are abnormal (e.g. empty text, numeric text, etc.). (But don't add it for the port)