I tried the setSkin() with the variables of the getSkinData() and getSkinId() function in Player. Even when i tried to reload the Player Data List: PHP: $player->despawnFromAll(); foreach ($player->getServer()->getOnlinePlayers() as $player1) $player->getServer()->removePlayerListData($player1->getUniqueId()); foreach ($player->getServer()->getOnlinePlayers() as $player1) $player->getServer()->sendFullPlayerListData($player1); $player->spawnToAll(); It still set the player to Alex skin. It worked before the 1.0 update. What's the new way to set the skin?
API Change! the Human's setSkin() doesn't have slim variable anymore. Sorry for wrong infomation. And, the second variable should be Code: "Standard_Custom" for someone who meets this problem and didn't notice the function change.
The function didn't change. You can also use Standard_CustomSlim as Skin ID. This also worked before 1.0.0.
I used SkinUtils of someone and it worked before 1.0.0, now it doesn't. You can yourself proof it. EDIT: aliuly's SkinUtils
False, it still works with 1.0.0. But the change isn't viewable for the player who's skin was changed.
Of course it isn't viewable for the player who's skin was changed, but for other players except that player?
It was sometimes viewable for the own player, too BEFORE 1.0.0(/0.16.0, not sure ). For other players it's always visible.