Hello i want to if i player break a beetroot seeds i give for the player magma cream and beetroot seeds But it's don't work and i don't had anything errors My code : PHP: <?phpnamespace Fritures\ItemCore\Ajouts;use Fritures\ItemCore\Main;use pocketmine\Player;use pocketmine\item\Item;use pocketmine\event\Listener;use pocketmine\event\block\BlockBreakEvent;class WeedSeed implements Listener { private $plugin = null; public function __construct(Main $plugin){ $this->plugin = $plugin; } public function getPlugin() : ?Main { return $this->plugin; } public function onBreak(BlockBreakEvent $event){ $block = $event->getBlock(); $rand = mt_rand(1, 20); if($block->getId() == 244){ if($block->getDamage() >= 7){ if($rand == 1){ $event->setDrops([Item::get(378), Item::get(435)]); } else { $event->setDrops([Item::get(435)]); } } } }}?>