I have tried looking through pocketmine sites for an equivalent command for /setblock command and can't seem to find a plugin to do it. When I do searches I usually get development type links that shows the php and people using the command in the code for a certain task in a mod/plugin. I am simply looking for a way to either send the command myself "/setblock" or to have another plugin send it like slapper or taptodo. I can see people hesitant to make plugins for it because maybe it will eventually work itself into the core of pocketmine maybe? I just cant seem to find an answer to why it hasn't been implemented as a core command or plugin. I did try to do research on it, so if it is buried in some thread somewhere I am sorry.
I make a small plugin for you: SetBlock_by_WinterBuild7074.ZIP It doesn't have ~ yet, but maybe it's enough for you.
oh man thnx. I will try it out. I am a noob coder and have done some stuff in c#,java,js,lua and some other stuff, but not much in php. If this works out maybe i can mod it for ~ and whatever else. I just never knew how to get started. Let me try it out, many thnx.
looking over code, see if i can do anything ( doubtful hehe, i r noob ) [19:04:05] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: Unhandled exception executing command 'setblock 278 8 223 sand' in setblock: Call to undefined method pocketmine\Player::hasPermisson() [19:04:05] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: Error: "Call to undefined method pocketmine\Player::hasPermisson()" (EXCEPTION) in "/SetBlock_v1.0.0.phar/src/WinterBuild7074/SetBlock/Main" at line 23 I think it's this line: if($sender->hasPermisson("setblock"))
OH spelling maybe? trying to repack it, if so sorry hehe. let's see if it is as simple as that. Update: Works after spelling change! thnx bud. Ill try and maybe add stuff and work off of this. I appreciate the help. Even as simple as this, it will help me make better maps. Thnx again.
I don't know if I will get to try out code for "/fill" but the code I added so far is basically $x = $args[0] == "~" ? (int)$sender->getX() : $args[0]; $y = $args[1] == "~" ? (int)$sender->getY() : $args[1]; $z = $args[2] == "~" ? (int)$sender->getZ() : $args[2]; with the rest of the code reflecting this change and it has ~ working ( so far anyways ). So thnx again bud. Since there is no redstone/lever/command blocks working in pocketmine I figured that using taptodo would give me options for doors to open and close by setting/deleting blocks. We will see how far this goes.