PHP: $skin = $player->getSkin();$player->setSkin(new Skin($skin->getSkinId(), $skin->getSkinData(), "What ?", $skin->getGeometryName(), $skin->getGeometryData())); How to set player cape? what i need to use?
correct me if im wrong, but capes ain't an addon, they are part of a skin and can only be used in skinpacks
I already try that but fail. 1. Get my cape data and encode the data with base64 2. When player join server decode with base 64 and set the player skin. 3. No error when player join but no cape
I do not agree, it's not only client-sided. I've created a plugin that read the cape data from png and send it to the player. It took very long to figure out, in which order to read the pixel from my cape image, but finally got it working. Please do not ask me for the plugin, it's part of my server and I would like to keep it as feature that make it more unique.