So my question was that is it possibly to identify who is requesting a query to ur server and change the results based on who it is that is requesting it. For example A and B are 2 server lists. For list A you wud set the player slot to 10. For B you wud set the slot to 20. To me it feels impossible but is it? My second question is that how can I get the player count of another server and add it to your servers player count. For example there are 2 servers in a network. Server A has 10 players. Server B has 35 players. How can I make it show the total players of all servers in each servers player count query so it wud show 45 players. Please help
For the first question: Yes, you may be able to detect the source IP address, but that's not reliable. Also, this may be quite hard to implement with the current PocketMine/RakLib API. For the second question, you have to connect them through a medium, e.g. a direct socket, a MySQL database, etc. There are many ways to do this; Hormones already does it in the BalancerModule, so you may want to have a look at it.