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Server query question.

Discussion in 'Development' started by Khome, Jul 15, 2017.

  1. Khome

    Khome Spider Jockey

    So my question was that is it possibly to identify who is requesting a query to ur server and change the results based on who it is that is requesting it. For example A and B are 2 server lists. For list A you wud set the player slot to 10. For B you wud set the slot to 20.

    To me it feels impossible but is it?

    My second question is that how can I get the player count of another server and add it to your servers player count. For example there are 2 servers in a network. Server A has 10 players. Server B has 35 players. How can I make it show the total players of all servers in each servers player count query so it wud show 45 players.

    Please help
  2. SOFe

    SOFe Administrator Staff Member PMMP Team Poggit Admin

    For the first question: Yes, you may be able to detect the source IP address, but that's not reliable. Also, this may be quite hard to implement with the current PocketMine/RakLib API.

    For the second question, you have to connect them through a medium, e.g. a direct socket, a MySQL database, etc. There are many ways to do this; Hormones already does it in the BalancerModule, so you may want to have a look at it.
    Khome likes this.
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