OK so just a FYI, I'm new to Minecraft. I've never played but my son who is 4 is really big into it. He hasn't played but he watches youtube of it all the time. I am trying to setup a local server for him to play on. So I am pretty technically savvy, so I just need some guidance here. I have setup PocketMine on a local server (Windows Server 2012 R2). It is currently running v0.10.5 alpha port 19133. PocketMine-PM version 1.4.1-980 I want this to be accessible internal only so I don't want to open any ports outside of the LAN. I downloaded MC v1.2.2 from the Play store. When I go to play I don't see any local servers. I add the one I have running. but it cannot seem to find it. Am I missing anything? Not sure what else I can try.
If you are implying something I'm missing please point it out for me. Is the newest play store version unsupported? If that is the case can you point me to a .apk with the correct version?
I think your using shoghips one xD Well go to the github download pmmp. Then get the latest phar at jenkins. Get all the libraries. Click start.cmd. Boom your server is done. Also just a tip, or a hint, I would use the plugin PureEntitiesX because PMMP has no mobs working. Also use these resources for help. https://github.com/pmmp/PocketMine-MP https://poggit.pmmp.io/ http://pmmp.readthedocs.io/en/rtfd/installation.html NOT ADVERTISING OR SUPPOURTING MOJANG Your also better off spending the $9 on a Realm they have every feature. But no plugins. Its also hassle free. No need for servers etc.