Is it possible to sending packet to each servers with plugin? I want make all my servers 'communicating', in this case I want send a player to another server. But the receiver have to check if the player come from acceptable server. (Like sending Hub to it's subs). I have no idea if you recommend to creating "Proxy", it would take much time to develop. Current idea: Playing with serverAddress inside LoginPacket Even MySQL are not designed for that
Not sure if this is the best approach - You can open a socket on each of your servers, then have the sockets communicate with each other. You'll need to write a dedicated \Thread class for the socket and recreate some parts of the AsyncTask in the process. If you use a proxy and have all servers interconnected to it, the proxy will be filtering each and every packet it gets and may slow down the overall server latency. Check this:
I also think about that way, threading new socket to receive some (UDP) packets. Then, how to let that threading process notice the other server? Here is my thought: Hub Server -> Sending packet to Threaded process (We call it PacketAdapter) -> PacketAdapter receive the packet and store it somewhere -> Sub Server running task to check if there is a packet on PacketAdapter. Anyway, someone can flooding that traffic to PacketAdapter. Could you please give some flowchart or work-progress? So I (or others) can assume it easily.