I am trying to send a player a message during these 3 events; 1. Player First Joins Server. 2.Already Registered player rejoins server 3. player switches world... example: Player1 enters world Spawn > sendmessage $playername "You have entered the Spawn world where you can do this that and this" I have tried looking at the documentation of CustomAlerts and the documentation of BroadCaster, the documentation is a little confusing and I cannot really find the precise options to set these messages.
You're going to have to put a special / specific block on the border of spawn, and when a player walks over it, it'll send you a message.
Can you please not? PlayerJoinEvent for 1st Nothing for 2nd EntityLevelChangeEvent (and check if its a player) for 3rd
im not sure what this means, am I able to use the plugins I listed to achieve any of the desired results? Currently using broadcaster to send "welcome to our server" "Our website is this" buts its rather anoyying, would much rather do once at login.