Code: Fatal error: Declaration of myplugin\Loader::onCommand(pocketmine\command\CommandSender $sender, pocketmine\command\Command $command, $label, array $args) must be compatible with pocketmine\command\CommandExecutor::onCommand(pocketmine\command\CommandSender $sender, pocketmine\command\Command $command, string $label, array $args): bool in phar:///plugins/MyPlugin_1.0.0.phar/src/myplugin/Main.php on line 14{\ My code: thank u for helping me (I am new to this plugin coding stuff)
A. Don't put your entire post in a code braces. B. Show us your code. don't link it. C. Poct in the correct section! This should be in Development. Read the error carefully. It tells you exactly what you did wrong. Compare the parameters within the function you have and what you need.
You need to change the signature of your onCommand() function: Code: public function onCommand(CommandSender $sender, Command $command, string $label, array $args) : bool{ This is due to changes made to the API recently adding scalar parameter and return type declarations.
Make a github account, make a new repository, then install a git client to push your entire plugin to the repo. Without the entire plugin we can't really help you.
plugin Main.php & plugin.yml are on my github now:
That's better - now compare your folder structure with DevTools, for example. You'll see that you don't have a src folder with a subfolder that corresponds to your namespace, which in turn contains (optional subfolders or) your Main class... for which the path must be correctly specified in plugin.yml under 'main'.