So i have this pocketmine server with 30 something plugins and when ever i try to /setgroup ChoosyproDev (My username) Owner it dosent work. If i remove ALL the plugins EXCEPT for PureChat And PurePerms it WORKS?!?!?! But even if i put 1 plugin back into the plugins folder, It DOSEN'T work any more! Is this due to some plugins over writing PureChat/PurePerms? Plz Help Thx
Oops So whenever i ONLY have pureperms and purechat in the plugins folder, I can get ranks to work. For example: [Owner] ChoosyproDev. But whenever i even add one other plugin, It will not show the ranks/prefix/suffix.
I have the following plugins: Advanced Kits Always Spawn AntiSpamPro BankNotes BuilderTools BuycraftPM CustomAlerts EconomyAPI EssentialsPE Dev-17 FormAPI HungerGames Invsee MineReset Mining Rewards MysteryCrates PerWorldChat PiggyCustomEnchants PiggyCustomEnchantsShop Piggy Tutorials Powertools PureChat PurePerms SeeDevice ShadowAntCheat ShopUI-FormAPI-Working Simplewarp Skyblock Slapper StaffChat TimeCOmmander Worlds ServerRanks CombatLogger TimeRanks But plz note that if i insert ANY one of these plugins purechat/pureperms brakes.
Ok, I just deleted pocketmine and reinstalled all the plugins including Perworldchat and now it works! Thanks for your help! Much appreciated!