Explain to me for what purpose the plugin developer PurePerms encoded a line in his plugin? https://github.com/poggit-orphanage...5484ec08e/src/_64FF00/PurePerms/PurePerms.php 86 line Code: $this->getServer()->getLogger()->notice(base64_decode('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')); For what purposes are these obscure characters created? line 59 - 61 Code: const MAIN_PREFIX = "\x5b\x50\x75\x72\x65\x50\x65\x72\x6d\x73\x3a\x36\x34\x46\x46\x30\x30\x5d"; const CORE_PERM = "\x70\x70\x65\x72\x6d\x73\x2e\x63\x6f\x6d\x6d\x61\x6e\x64\x2e\x70\x70\x69\x6e\x66\x6f";
Do you know what is encoded in line 86? this is the whole problem, I personally would not recommend putting the rest of this plugin and risking your project.
PurePerms is not in any way abusing your server. The main prefix is just escaped characters, and on run time it is changed to "[PurePerms:64FF00]" The core permission is also escaped characters, and on runtime it changes to "pperms.command.ppinfo" I assume these two constants are like this so anyone editing the plugin does not thing change them, since they look important to the plugin. The long string being decoded on line 86 is just the ASCII art that is printed to console when the plugin enables, and it's encoded to make it compact in the code. HTML: PurePerms by 64FF00 & ProjectInfinity! #LEET.CC 888 888 .d8888b. d8888 8888888888 8888888888 .d8888b. .d8888b. 888 888 d88P Y88b d8P888 888 888 d88P Y88b d88P Y88b 888888888888 888 d8P 888 888 888 888888 888 888 888 888 888d888b. d8P 888 8888888 8888888 888888 888 888 888 888 888P "Y88b d88 888 888 888 888888 888 888 888888888888 888 888 8888888888 888 888 888888 888 888 888 888 Y88b d88P 888 888 888 Y88b d88P Y88b d88P 888 888 "Y8888P" 888 888 888 "Y8888P" "Y8888P" (ASCII is not rendered properly on here, but that's what it is decoded)
As thunder mentioned it has been removed but a update wasn't pushed to poggit, the latest release got rid of that ASCII and is now available on poggit.