I use PMMP from “forms-api” branch (https://github.com/pmmp/PocketMine-MP/commit/66b854d31b5f46d4e9498213cf7d16622b5b6844). I've made a small plugin which should send 4 forms one after another, when /test is sent and an option is selected. But after the second form is submitted, I don't receive next forms. Despite the fact that I return a Form-related class, it doesn't work. Any ideas? Source code of plugin: https://github.com/ScandiePlay/TestForms
I've heard that those people, who use a simple method of listening to DataPacketReceiveEvent, don't experience this problem. Very strange...
use FormAPI by joe777777. I don't think the forms-api branch of pmmp is stable (it maybe but I really doubt it).
no. don't use it. It is very god that he attempts to use the forms-api branch. It needs testing and, as it will be part of the pmmp API, you don't need any extra plugins/virons/libraries. Back to the issue: You can also simply resend a form the normal way and return null.
If you compile the plugin properly (don't ask people to use devirion!), virions are better than a separate plugin dependency in all aspects.