Hi. When I downloaded Pocketmine on the Raspberry pi 4 using the 64bit version of Ubuntu and use the ./compile method in this forum here, I get an error saying: [ERROR] Selected PHP binary (/usr/bin/php7.2) does not satify some requirements. - Unable to find BC Math (bcmath) extension. - Unable to find cURL (curl) extension - Unable to find Multibyte String (mbstring) extension - Unable to find pthreads extension - Unable to find the YAML extension -Unable to find the Zip extension [ERROR] please recompile PHP with the needed configuration, or refer to the installation instructions at http://pmmp.rtfd.io/en/rtfd/installation.html.
It appears that your directory structure is wrong, because the start script attempts to use the system binary instead of the one you compiled. Make sure it looks like this: Code: . ├── start.sh ├── PocketMine-MP.phar ├── bin │ └── php7 ├── bin ├── certs ├── include ├── lib ├── openssl.cnf ├── openssl.cnf.dist ├── private ├── share └── var PS: Thank you and much love for being one of the few people who search for their problem before instantly creating a new thread <3
Awesome, if you mind, it would be great if you could mark this thread as solved (you can do so using the Thread tools -> edit title button)