Hi, not sure if this is the right area to post this, please move it Iif not. Does anyone know how to install pocketmine on muticraft? The tutorial is not working on their website. Thank you. - Christopher
Hi. The reason this is not working, is because of the pocketmine.phar.conf is completely out of date, and will not work
I hit up endercrate and they game me their files they use and were very mature about it and even walked me step by step on how to get it going on my own machine with muticraft and which settings I should us.... all for free.
That doesn't mean anything, it just means they want to make money out of you by SUGGESTING paid settings
Here's a working multicraft configuration file, just replace the PATHGOESHERE with the correct path, and change the name to the name of your PM phar which must be in the same jar folder. The phar and phar.conf need to have the exact same name before the extension, and I've added some hide parameters, but you can delete them if you prefer. Code: [config] name = PocketMine-MP source = https://cdn.pocketmine.net/api/update-stable.phar configSource = https://cdn.pocketmine.net/multicraft/pocketmine.phar.conf [start] command = "PATHGOESHERE/bin/php7/bin/php" "{JAR}" --memory-limit={MAX_MEMORY}M --disable-ansi --no-wizard --data={SERVER_DIR} --plugins={SERVER_DIR}/plugins --level-name={WORLD} --server-ip={IP} --server-port={PORT} --max-players={MAX_PLAYERS} ## Plugin configuration [plugins] pluginDir = plugins pluginMatch = \.(phar|zip)$ ## Encoding used for strings sent to and received from the server [encoding] ## The encoding to use to send data to the Minecraft process ## Use "system" for your current locale. ## default: system encode = system ## The encoding to use to decode data received from the Minecraft process ## Use "system" for your current locale. ## default: system decode = system ## The encoding used when reading/writing configuration files such as ## the server.properties ## default: latin-1 fileEncoding = latin-1 [settings] ## Restart the server when it doesn't respond to pings anymore #restartOnTimeout = True ## The server log file #logFile = server.log ## Ignore console output and parse log file instead #followLog = False ## Only used if followLog is true, the interval in milliseconds at ## which to check the log file for new content #logCheckInterval = 500 ## Rotate the log every X bytes #logRotateSize = ## Use special method to rotate log, use this if normal rename rotation doesn't work #logPersistent = False ## Maximum number of logs to keep #logBackupCount = 5 ## Advanced: Read at most X bytes from the file at a time #logMaxRead = 4096 ## Check every X milliseconds if the log needs to be rotated #logRotateCheckInterval = 20000 ## Print every line received from the server #debugRawLine = False ## Print every line after cleanup #debugCleanLine = False ## Print every line after the first parse pass #debugParseLine = False ## Use the Multicraft launcher to wrap the gameserver (simulates a real command line) #useLauncher = False ## Assume Minecraft is still running override (0: Known console output, 1: "List" command output, 2: Any console output) #pongMode = 0 ## Minecraft response timeout override (milliseconds) #pingTimeout = 20000 ## Minecraft pint interval override (milliseconds) #pingInterval = 15000 ## Minecraft crash restart delay overrice (milliseconds) #crashRestartDelay = 2000 ## Console output rate limit override #rateLimit = 30 ## Autosave interval overrice (milliseconds) #saveInterval = 600000 ## Player info save method override (0: Never Save, 1: Update Existing, 2: Always Save) #savePlayerInfo = 1 ## Print server setting information #debugSettings = False ## Restart the server after a crash or unexpected exit #restartOnCrash = False ## Print line parser information #debugParse = False ## Command remapping [commands] say = say list = list save-on = save-on save-off = save-off save-all = save-all stop = stop tell = tell give = give tp = tp deop = deop op = op pardon-ip = pardon-ip ban-ip = ban-ip pardon = pardon ban = ban kick = kick help = help ## Console output parsing can be completely customized to support ## any format (and theoretically any game). Please contact us if you require this. [parse_log] start=^(?P<time>(:?[-\d]+ )?\[?[:\d]+\]?)\s+\[(?P<type>[^]]+)\]\:?\s+(:?\[[^]]+\]\s+)?(?P<line>.*)$ [parse_players] start2=There are (?P<v_maxDataLines>\d+)/\d+ players [parse_connect] shortStart=logged in with entity id \d+ at start=(?P<name>[A-Za-z0-9_]{3,16})[/(?P<ip>.*):\d+] logged in with entity id \d+ at [parse_disconnect] shortStart=logged out start=(?P<name>[A-Za-z0-9_]{3,16})[/(?P<ip>.*):\d+] logged out [parse_hide] start=(^.*wrongly.*)|(^.*left.*game.*)|(^.*ran.*command.*)|(^.*Message.*Day.*)|(^.*Unregistering.*player.*)|(^.*Registering.*player.*)|(^.*$player.*)|(^.*creating.*profile.*)|(^.*disconnected.*unknown.*)|(^.*Blocked.*seconds.*)
I don't think it would work due to the Code: source = https://cdn.pocketmine.net/api/update-stable.phar configSource = https://cdn.pocketmine.net/multicraft/pocketmine.phar.conf 1. they are out of date. 2. they don't include the latest PMMP release. 3. 1+2 are the same... so choose 3.
I got this. 08.01 19:48:36 [Multicraft] Loading server properties 08.01 19:48:36 [Multicraft] Starting server! 08.01 19:48:36 [Multicraft] Loaded config for "Default" 08.01 19:48:36 [Server] INFO Error: Invalid or corrupt jarfile /jar/PocketMine-MP.phar 08.01 19:48:36 [Multicraft] Server shut down (starting) 08.01 19:48:36 [Multicraft] Restarting crashed server in 5 seconds 08.01 19:48:36 [Multicraft] Looks like a crash, check the server console. Return value: 1 08.01 19:48:36 [Multicraft] Server stopped
Now I have this Code: 08.01 20:00:55 [Multicraft] Loading server properties 08.01 20:00:55 [Multicraft] Starting server! 08.01 20:00:55 [Multicraft] Loaded config for "PocketMine-MP" 08.01 20:00:55 [Server] INFO Executable writeable by others, not running (/jar/PocketMine-MP/bin/php7/bin/php) 08.01 20:00:55 [Multicraft] Server shut down (starting) 08.01 20:00:55 [Multicraft] Restarting crashed server in 5 seconds 08.01 20:00:55 [Multicraft] Looks like a crash, check the server console. Return value: 197 08.01 20:00:55 [Multicraft] Server stopped 08.01 20:00:57 [Multicraft] Received stop command 08.01 20:00:57 [Multicraft] Server stopped
The conf file is fine, check the permissions for both files, they must be 644 and owner must be the multicraft user. Docs for troubleshooting are here https://www.multicraft.org/site/docs/troubleshooting