How do I generate a void world in PM plugin? By the way, keep in mind that I want to generate a void world directly when executing a command, I don't want to make my own generators (like in the EmptyWorld plugin) for example, if I ran the command /voidworld <name>, the void world would automatically generate itself edit : this should have probably been in pocketmine plugin dev section, excuse me lol, this account is 7 minutes and 46 seconds old
You basically have to make your own with the preset modified. sadly you cannot modify the preset with options for whatever reason
Okay, after doing some tests it is actually quite easy PHP: /** string $yourname The name you want your level to have. *//** PluginBase $this Your plugin instance */$this->getServer()->generateLevel($yourname, null, "pocketmine\level\generator\Flat", ["preset" => "3;;1"]);