[16:19:57] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: pocketmine\plugin\PluginException: "Plugin attempted to register popupmessage\Main while not enabled" (EXCEPTION) in "src/pocketmine/plugin/PluginManager" at line 781 Hey so I made a plugin that implant ShulkerBox and now I get this error...I don't know what code I have to show.
Code: use cupidonsauce173\block\BlockManager; use cupidonsauce173\entity\EntityManager; use cupidonsauce173\task\TickLevelsTask; use pocketmine\plugin\PluginBase; use pocketmine\plugin\PluginLogger; class Main extends PluginBase { public static $shulkerBoxEnabled = true; private static $instance; public static function getInstance(): Main{ return self::$instance; } public function onEnable(){ $this->loadEverythingElse(); } private function loadEverythingElse(){ BlockManager::init(); EntityManager::init(); } public function onDisable(){ } } for main
do you have a part of your plugin that has to do with popupmessage\Main possibility used in one of: use cupidonsauce173\block\BlockManager; use cupidonsauce173\entity\EntityManager; use cupidonsauce173\task\TickLevelsTask;
I mean, I searched popupmessage on the pmmp github page too (including my plugin) and it found nothing too..
Yes I took and edited a part of TeaSpoon for it, I only took everything linked to Shulker and removed everything that was useless
if you go to https://poggit.pmmp.io/ci/CortexPE/TeaSpoon/TeaSpoon/pr:64 and download the latest build you can use it with latest pmmp version
with TeaSpoon, it's working I can place one but I don't have access to the inventory and yes I tried with no plugin and it same as when there is plugins