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Please check this code

Discussion in 'Development' started by Nader Jafari, Mar 28, 2018.

  1. Nader Jafari

    Nader Jafari Silverfish

        public function onEDBEE(EntityDamageEvent $ev){
    $ev instanceof EntityDamageByEntityEvent){
    $damager $ev->getDamager();
    $entity $ev->getEntity();
    $damager instanceof Player){
    $enitity instanceof SLIME){
    My Idea is using Slime entity as a ball for football with resourcepack and plugin
    I want to when a player attacked Slime, Slime knockback to 10 block farther and don't took any damage from attack
    When I started the server, There wasn't any error but in many years I program in C++ I know when my code ran for first time and I don't have any error there is a problem
    However, I'm amateur in PMMP API please check my code and post my problem in this thread
    and sorry for my incorrect English grammer if there is a problem in my text grammer
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2018
  2. yuko fuyutsuki

    yuko fuyutsuki Slime

    There is no grammatical mistake in the presented code.
  3. Muqsit

    Muqsit Chicken

    instanceof doesn't give errors when a class does not exist. So, for example:
    /** @var Player $player */
    return ($player instanceof AClassThatDoesNotExist);//AClassThatDoesNotExist is a class that does not exist
    will return false and no errors. Did you name your slime class SLIME and not Slime? And did you import the Player class? There's a typo in $entity vs $enitity. You probably didn't import the Player class so the code isn't being executed beyond.
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