Ist there a way to get all the permissions of all plugins? I want to list them and I have no idea how to start. Please write if u need more information
Permissions of all plugins, or all permissions on the server, including those not registered by plugins?
Just retrieve a list of the permissions from each of the plugins' and/or wikis on Github, and then make a text document with those listed. (every time you get a plugin) This is what I do and it works perfectly, unless you forget, then you can just retrieve the plugin permissions you forget.
What else do you want to do? Remember that permissions may not yet be registered if your plugin loads earlier than other plugins.
This only displays the default perms. How can I register the permissions in my plugin to have them in this list?
Plugins are enabled after every plugin is loaded. Something like this: Code: Loaded plugin A Loaded plugin B Loaded plugin C Enabled plugin A Enabled plugin B Enabled plugin C So if you get all permissions during Plugin->onEnable(), you will get permissions of all the plugins.