Hello Guys, I am having some trouble with the plugin PurePerms. After I give some perms to a user or a group and try to use them, I always get the 'no perms' error. I'll give an example. This is the permissions file for one of my friends. The name is right. Per world permissions is disabled. Code: ... userName: TropicTundra843 group: Trainee permissions: - piggycustomenchantsshop worlds: [] time: -1 expTime: -1 ... Thanks in advance. (Edit: I tried perms from other plugins too, such as Builder Tools)
Hey There! The permissions of the plugin PiggyCustomEnchants are: piggycustomenchants: default: false description: "Use everything in PiggyCustomEnchants" children: piggycustomenchants.command: default: op description: "Use all PiggyCustomEnchants commands" children: piggycustomenchants.command.ce: default: op description: "Use /customenchant" children: piggycustomenchants.command.ce.about: default: true description: "Use /customenchant about" piggycustomenchants.command.ce.enchant: default: op description: "Use /customenchant enchant" piggycustomenchants.command.ce.help: default: true description: "Use /customenchant help" piggycustomenchants.command.ce.info: default: true description: "Use /customenchant info" piggycustomenchants.command.ce.list: default: true description: "Use /customenchant list" piggycustomenchants.overridecheck: default: false description: "Override the check From plugin's plugin.yml!
That's weird... because when I did /fperms PiggyCustomEnchantsShop I got the following: https://ibb.co/v3ZyHmc
Well... That's weird because these permissions don't exist on the plugin.yml how did that plugin got that perms?Btw did it work?
I don't know why it shows that... I haven't tested it yet... I need someone to test it on and none of my friends are online. I will respond to this thread after testing