So, I want when a player join there Is a particle floating text , shows their name and online count of server... it stays there. only they can see it, specific to them only! And, the player online count update every time player join and quit etc. How?
Yes, I foreach all particles and update player count in task. But how make it specific to player, I have bad English I am France ! , sorry
Send us your code, that'll help. Even if it doesn't work. If you want to send a particle to a specific player, define the 2nd argument for Level::addParticle() PHP: /** @var Player $player */Level::addParticle(Particle::class, [$player]);
Ahh, so do I have to use an event? For example, PlayerJoinEvent? but what if a player joins, particle spawn, then he quit , then he join again, then there is 2 particle !