How can i enable that other players can open chest in a claimed territory? I have chests in the faction spawn but my players cant open it..How to enable opening chest in FactionsPro?
As far as I know, FactionsPro does not prevent players from opening chests. You probably have some other plugin preventing it.
MSpawns v1.5, BuyCraft v1.2.2, StaffChat v1, KillMoney v0.1, AntiExplosion vDeBe, AdvancedKits v5.1, WorldGM v1.1.0, superBAR v1.5.0, ChatLogin v1.4, CustomAlerts v1.6, Slapper v1.3.3, Cameraman v1.1, StatsPE v3.3.4, MineReset v2.4, Denuncia v1.0, RealTime v2.1.1, NetherChests v1.1.1, ClearLagg v1.1.0, EssentialsPE v2.0.0, NoAdvertisingPE v1.0.1, AutoMensagen v1.16, SW_svile v0.7dev, WorldEdit v3.2, AntiSpamPro v1.3, FactionsPro v1.3.9, EconomyPShop v2.0.2, JoinTitle v1, PerWorldInventory v0.1, ManyWorlds v2.1.0, VoteReward v3.0.2, iProtector v3.1b, MagicTelePortal v1.3.2, BanItem v2.2, PurePerms v1.4.0-INDEV, AlwaysSpawn v2.2.2, WorldProtect v2.2.0, Infected v3.6[TG], ServerAuth v2.13, SimpleWarp v2.1.0, EconomyAPI v2.0.9, MyPlot v1.1.3, PureChat v1.4.0, Prison v1.1.0, SimplePortals v0.0.3, EconomySell v2.0.7, EconomyShop v2.0.7
The issue isn't because of FactionsPro, because FactionsPro doesn't handle PlayerInteractEvent. The issue is probably because of iProtector or WorldProtect.