[*] Found PocketMine-MP 1.7dev (build 6) using API 3.0.0-ALPHA7 [*] This stable build was released on Sat Sep 2 12:14:09 UTC 2017 [-] This channel should have a signature, none found [*] Installing/updating PocketMine-MP on directory ./ [1/3] Cleaning... [2/3] Downloading PocketMine-MP 1.7dev phar... done! [3/3] Obtaining PHP: detecting if build is available... [3/3] Linux 64-bit PHP build available, downloading PHP_7.0.3_x86-64_Linux.tar.gz... checking... regenerating php.ini... done [*] Everything done! Run ./start.sh to start PocketMine-MP mcpe@ominous-gaming:~/mcpe$ ./start.sh [CRITICAL] You must use PHP >= 7.2 [CRITICAL] Please use the installer provided on the homepage. mcpe@ominous-gaming:~/mcpe$ Please help why pmmp isn't working?