Only Phar file plugins will work, I have a plugin made by a friend who makes plugins, and tested this plugin and worked for him and his friends, but when I start pocketmine it only loads dev tools and not "CodeRed" (the name of the plugin he created) we both noticed that its only recognizing phar files... I am not a server owner, I am trying to get the environment setup so I can test future plugins.
where can I get the latest DevTools, and dev tools is the actual only working plugin because its a phar file
PhP files, and the guy helping me is confused as well why it only loads phar, hes been making plugins for a year by now if longer
it only loads the phar devtools and none of the php plugin folders, and when I do makeplugin CodeRed, which I have, it says invalid name
my guess would be that you don't have the plugin.yml in the folder for devtools to recognise it as a plugin