PHP: $player->getLevel()->setBlock(new Vector3($player->getX(), $player->getY(), $player->getZ()), Block::get(Block::CHEST), true, true); $nbt = new CompoundTag("", [ new ListTag("Items", []), new StringTag("id", Tile::CHEST), new IntTag("x", $player->getX()), new IntTag("y", $player->getY()), new IntTag("z", $player->getZ()) ]); $player->sendMessage(TF::RED . "Checkpoint 1"); $nbt->Items->setTagType(NBT::TAG_Compound); $nbt->CustomName = new StringTag("CustomName", $player->getNameTag()); $player->sendMessage(TF::RED . "Checkpoint 2"); $tile = Tile::createTile("Chest", $player->getLevel($player->getX() >> 4, $player->getZ() >> 4), $nbt); $player->sendMessage(TF::RED . "Checkpoint 3"); $inv = $tile->getInventory(); $inv->clearAll(); $player->sendMessage("checkpoint 4"); $inv->setItem(0, Item::get(1, 0, 8)->setCustomName("§eOnePerson")); $inv->setItem(1, Item::get(2, 0, 8)->setCustomName("§dTwoPersons")); $inv->setItem(2, Item::get(3, 0, 7)->setCustomName("§aThreePeoples")); $inv->setItem(3, Item::get(4, 0, 2)->setCustomName("§cFourHotdogs")); $inv->setItem(4, Item::get(5, 0, 1)->setCustomName("§bFiveHumans")); $player->sendMessage("checkpoint 5"); $player->addWindow($inv); $player->sendMessage("checkpoint 6"); I'm still trying to make a chest spawn with items in it when I tap another chest on the ground. I have that code and the checkpoints would help me fix the errors because I could find out where they were. But when i tap the chest on the ground the second chest spawns but neither of the chest have any items in and all the checkpoints go off and there's no errors in console. Am I missing something?