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New to Server Hosting.. Need help with some things

Discussion in 'Help' started by Craft, Dec 31, 2017.

  1. Craft

    Craft Spider

    So I am pretty new to hosting my own pocketmine server but I have had a little experiance hosting private servers from other games..

    I have downloaded the obvious link on the main webpage and got my server so that it starts the start.bat file successfully.
    I know about port forwarding and my port forwarded to the DNS website ip I set up. TCP/UCP
    I try to connect with MCPE and it cannot connect :/

    I have 1.2.8, which should work with the 1.2.7 stuff from what I have seen.
    Could someone please just point me in the right direction? Just point me to a good tutorial to get pocketmine working from nothing to running a server I can connect to with my android mcpe client?

    I have read so many tutorials and all of them are very confusing or have broken links. I cant get the .phar file I keep finding into my server. If I start the .bat file after putting the .phar into the folder and renaming it the .bat will not start correctly.

    Please someone just point me in the right direction or help me learn EXACTLY what I need to do to get the server running. I'm sick of using LEET server and paying for stuff I know I can get working on my own if I just get a little guidance..
  2. Fredbare

    Fredbare Creeper

    Did u Try To Use Ip and port and It Should Show up on Local on Mcpe And If That Don't Work I Will Help u Do Some Reserch. If Its About Phar I can give u a Link
  3. HyGlobalHD

    HyGlobalHD Spider Jockey

    Try Look Up For Your Firewall At The Device You Use To Host The Server.
    Between Your Device Or The Operator That Port Forward.
    Try disable the firewall 'temporary' and test.
    Or Maybe Your Device That Host The Server Had A Security Software.
    You Only To Look It Up And Try Disable It Temporary
  4. Matthew

    Matthew Baby Zombie

    So what i'm reading is that you are renaming the .phar to .bat and then try to run it?

    That's not the way to go, you should not rename the .phar and leave it at it's current name and use that .bat that came with the download

    .bat file should look like this:
    @echo off
    TITLE PocketMine-MP server software for Minecraft: Pocket Edition
    cd /d %~dp0
    if exist bin\php\php.exe (
        set PHPRC=""
        set PHP_BINARY=bin\php\php.exe
    ) else (
        set PHP_BINARY=php
    if exist PocketMine-MP.phar (
        set POCKETMINE_FILE=PocketMine-MP.phar
    ) else (
        if exist src\pocketmine\PocketMine.php (
            set POCKETMINE_FILE=src\pocketmine\PocketMine.php
        ) else (
            echo "Couldn't find a valid PocketMine-MP installation"
            exit 1
    if exist bin\mintty.exe (
        start "" bin\mintty.exe -o Columns=88 -o Rows=32 -o AllowBlinking=0 -o FontQuality=3 -o Font="Consolas" -o FontHeight=10 -o CursorType=0 -o CursorBlinks=1 -h error -t "PocketMine-MP" -i bin/pocketmine.ico -w max %PHP_BINARY% %POCKETMINE_FILE% --enable-ansi %*
    ) else (
        %PHP_BINARY% -c bin\php %POCKETMINE_FILE% %*
    HyGlobalHD likes this.
  5. Craft

    Craft Spider

    "I tried shutting the firewall off on my computer that I host the server on (Windows 7). I reinstalled the mail file on the pocketmine website and re-installed it from scratch. The port is forwarded to my current dns (renegadecraft.tk).

    Aftrer starting the start.bat and going thrugh the initial setup and getting it running successfully I run the MCPE client on my android phone but when I type the renegade.tk in while setting up a new server it says "can not connect"

    To be clear. Previous to this on my last post what I was saying was that I was trying to get one of the .phar files that I kept finding online to run 1.2.8 I would drop the 1.2.8 compatable file into my server's folder then renaming it from "PocketMine-MP(Turanic1.2.8).phar" to "PocketMine-MP.phar" I was not trying to rename the .cmd or .bat files.

    So what could I be doing wrong? Should the main installer off the pocketmine website get installed and run then should my phone with mcpe ver 1.2.8 automatically connect to it? If not what do I need to do to be able to connect to pocketmine with the 1.2.8 client.. Thats all I'm trying to do.
  6. Craft

    Craft Spider

    Also.. This is what the start.cmd file looks like if I edit it with the main installer off the pocketmine website:

    @echo off
    TITLE PocketMine-MP server software for Minecraft: Pocket Edition
    cd /d %~dp0

    if exist bin\php\php.exe (
    set PHPRC=""
    set PHP_BINARY=bin\php\php.exe
    ) else (
    set PHP_BINARY=php

    if exist PocketMine-MP.phar (
    set POCKETMINE_FILE=PocketMine-MP.phar
    ) else (
    if exist src\pocketmine\PocketMine.php (
    set POCKETMINE_FILE=src\pocketmine\PocketMine.php
    ) else (
    echo "Couldn't find a valid PocketMine-MP installation"
    exit 1

    REM if exist bin\php\php_wxwidgets.dll (
    REM %PHP_BINARY% %POCKETMINE_FILE% --enable-gui %*
    REM ) else (
    if exist bin\mintty.exe (
    start "" bin\mintty.exe -o Columns=88 -o Rows=32 -o AllowBlinking=0 -o FontQuality=3 -o Font="DejaVu Sans Mono" -o FontHeight=10 -o CursorType=0 -o CursorBlinks=1 -h error -t "PocketMine-MP" -i bin/pocketmine.ico -w max %PHP_BINARY% %POCKETMINE_FILE% --enable-ansi %*
    ) else (
    %PHP_BINARY% -c bin\php %POCKETMINE_FILE% %*
    REM )
  7. Craft

    Craft Spider

    When I enter the server address on the MCPE client should I just enter the dns I setup "renegadecraft.tk"? When I try to do this the mcpe client returns "invalid ip address" if I change it to www.renegadecraft.tk it says "cannot connect to world.

    However I do notice on the server it says that I tried to connect if I change the server address from the renegadecraft.tk to the internal ip address ( so it is going through.. the server will says "12:07:16 [INFO] [/] logged out due to timeout" and once in a while the mcpe client will just stay on the connecting screen and the server willl read: "12:10:36 [INFO] [/] logged out due to client disconnect" and the mcpe client will not connect either way it just gets stuck at connecting..

    Is there a default prefix or something that I should be aware of? I've noticed that on most other servers that I have played on there are 2 periods in the ip addreses.. Does pocketmine set one of these up by default? should it be play.renegadecraft.tk or renegadecraft.pe.tk or something?
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2018
  8. Craft

    Craft Spider


    So I realized that there is nothing pointing my server to my dns.. So I made sure all firewall stuff was off on my router.. then I double checked my ports and everything was fine...

    So I tried to connect to my server with MCPE with my network's external IP rather then the dns.. It will say it's connecting but will get stuck there. The pocketmine server will say 1/20 online at the top of the window then after the mcpe client fails to connect and disconnects the server outputs "12:30:49 [INFO] [/] logged out due to client disconnect"
  9. Craft

    Craft Spider

    I'm thinking that maybe it is a server version compatability issue.. Does the pocketmine 1.4.1 instalation support mcpe 1.2.8? If not how do I get it up to support 1.2.8?
  10. SalmonDE

    SalmonDE Zombie Pigman

    - request support for spoons/non-official variants of PocketMine-MP - we will not provide support for them here." (from README)

    I point you to this because official pmmp releases do NOT have "Turanic" inside their filenames.
    I strongly recommend you to download the latest pmmp build from here: https://jenkins.pmmp.io/job/PocketMine-MP/ .
  11. Craft

    Craft Spider

    Thank you,
    So I downloaded the clean install of Pocketmine 1.4.1 off the pocketmine website.
    Then I went to the link you provided and downloaded the "PocketMine-MP_1.7dev-571_50f273c0_API-3.0.0-ALPHA10.phar"
    I dropped the file into the clean install and changed the name to "PocketMine-MP.phar"

    Now when I run the start.cmd it returns:

    Warning: Unsupported declare 'strict_types' in phar://D:/PocketMine-MP/PocketMine-MP.phar/src/pocketmine/PocketMine.php on line 22

    Call Stack:
    0.0250 422384 1. {main}() D:\PocketMine-MP\PocketMine-MP.phar:0

    [CRITICAL] PocketMine-MP requires PHP >= 7.2.0RC3, but you have PHP 5.6.6.
    [CRITICAL] Please use the installer provided on the homepage, or update to a newer PHP version.
    bin\php\php.exe: Exit 1
  12. SalmonDE

    SalmonDE Zombie Pigman

    Did you say PocketMine 1.4? The newest release is PocketMine 1.7.
    Anyway, your php binaries are too old.
    The php-build-scripts provide auto built binaries on appvoyer, download them here and unpack them in your server directory and make sure to delete the old bin folder before that:
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2018
    EdwardHamHam likes this.
  13. HyGlobalHD

    HyGlobalHD Spider Jockey

    Update Your Php binary... the (bin folder)
    Try Follow The Guideline.
  14. HyGlobalHD

    HyGlobalHD Spider Jockey

    I notice that the window version for x86 is missing(?)
  15. SalmonDE

    SalmonDE Zombie Pigman

    32 bit machine support has been dropped for months already. It caused too many bugs to support both architecture types and 64 bit is more common nowadays, too.
  16. Craft

    Craft Spider

    Ok wow thank you. Pocketmine 1.4.1 was just the big green download button off the main pocketmine website so that's what I started with...

    So long story short IT IS WORKING.

    I dropped in the .phar file and renamed it then updated the PHP and now it is working. Thank you all very very much..

    I now have a new question however:

    I can connect to the server by using my actual external ip address..
    Can someone point me to a guide on how to get this working for people by using a no-ip.com or dot.tk dns domain? I have one set up but I can not find any server setting or anything that will relay it.
  17. HyGlobalHD

    HyGlobalHD Spider Jockey

    Have you tried to test the dns you set up ?
  18. SalmonDE

    SalmonDE Zombie Pigman

    The A Record of your domain needs to point to your external ip address.

    Also PocketMine is not related to this, so there isn't a setting for it of course.
  19. Craft

    Craft Spider

    Got it thanks again.
  20. Craft

    Craft Spider

    Hopefully renegadecraft.tk will be up soon. I'm connecting successfully. If someone wants to try it for me and just verify that people outside my lan can connect I would be so greatful once again.
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