Was wondering If anyone new of a group manager plugin for Pocketmine MP Also a simple auth for logging in.
Not sure where to get the phar file with API 3.0, and the ones on the site didn't work, I tried the latest dev build, is that the correct one?
Things are changing a lot at the moment... For now the best solution to start with is to run the latest release which is API version 3.0.0-ALPHA6, then most plugins in the release section on poggit should load. For those that don't, and other plugins you have, you'll have to learn how to update plugins. If you want cutting edge, download the latest build from master on jenkins/poggit (or another branch you want to try) which is API version 3.0.0-ALPHA7 - for plugins you'll have to look for latest builds on Poggit (they aren't in releases yet because alpha7 isn't yet released), ask the author to update, or update them yourself.
Just download the phar, rename/delete the old one and replace it with the new one renamed PocketMine-MP.phar
https://jenkins.pmmp.io/job/PocketMine-MP/Alpha/ The phar contains the entire code of PocketMine, from a point in time at which it was at API 3.0.0-ALPHA6.