I have a plugin with a Task but I wont work I dont know why? Code: [00:22:01] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: Error: "Cannot call constructor" (EXCEPTION) in "/phar_Core_wVkNyrAXoG6Sn2K.phar/src/StuckDexter/Core" at line 2988 [00:22:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Disabling Core v2 [00:22:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [Core] Config saved Thats the code PHP: class Chest extends PluginBase{ public function __construct(Core $plugin) { parent::__construct($plugin); $this->plugin = $plugin; } public function onRun($tick){ $chests = new Config($this->plugin->getDataFolder() . "chests.yml", Config::YAML); $level->addParticle(new FloatingTextParticle(new Vector3($chests->get("XChest1"), $chests->get("YChest1"),$chests->get("ZChest1")),"", "§l§6<==CHEST==> §a-->>>OPEN<<<--"));}}