I'm this CrateKey Plugin: https://github.com/PrimusLV/CrateKeys My problem is, that when I open the chest and get out the rewards, close the chest again, and open it again, the rewards are still inside, they don't go out of the chest. The items/blocks go inside my inventory, but not go out of the chest. This only happens with the CrateChest, but not with the other chests. Is this a bug in the plugin? Can it be fixed? Or is there a better working plugin?
The rewards have to still be in the chest so they won't run out. They'll open as long as you have a crate key.
But then, players can "multiply" the items/blocks. They take out the items out of the CrateChest, close the chest, open it again and take out the items again. You they got "double" rewards. How can I stop that?
Where? But it looks like that Primus is inactive. Maybe I can fix it here? Maybe only edit the code a bit, and then maybe it should work...?
Where shall I make the issue? I don't know if Primus will see the issue. If he doesn't reply I'll look for another good CrateKey plugin. But what?
But there're no chests. That is a CrateKey plugin only with commands. And it's hard to change rewards.
I did, he wasn't online since start of May, and I need a CrateKeys plugin... What is the CrateKey plugin called PigRaid is using? I tested it once, and it is perfect, like how I want it to be. With sound and particles when opening the chest. Maybe I can get that plugin too?
Last time I saw him online on GitHub was 3 days ago. Just have a little more patience, or search another one. Up to you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Is there any other working CrateKey plugin except iSoft Crate? Or can I download the CrateKey plugin PigRaid is using?
The plugin PigRaid is using might be custom. If it is a public plugin, then I have no idea where to get it.
Or maybe there's something in the code that makes this bug? See: https://github.com/PrimusLV/CrateKeys/blob/master/src/Primus/CrateKeys/EventListener.php
Actually, that plugin doesn't seem to handle InventoryTransaction or InventoryClose events, so the problem is most likely with another plugin. I would try it away from spawn/world protection or with those plugins disabled. Also, look at any other plugins you have that handle Inventory Transactions, like a "GUI" plugin, as everyone keeps calling it.
But it can't be another plugin or protection problem. All my other chests are working perfectly. It's only the Crate Chest that has this problem. But, what can it be, then? If all other chests are working, why not the Crate Chest?
There're in the same world. Config: Code: --- particle-scale: 5 enable-key-recieve-particle: true enable-key-use-particle: true enable-chest-create-particle: true inform-about-crate-chest-build: true broadcast-message-on-key-recieve: true enable-custom-key-name: true key-popup: Crate Key allow-occupied-chests: false prefix: §7[§e§lLucky§6Chest§r§7]§f chance: normal source-blocks: - 49 pattern-block-id: 246 key-id: 388 possible-items: - "1:0:32" - "1:2:32" - "1:4:32" - "1:6:32" - "3:0:64" - "4:0:32" - "4:0:64 - "5:0:64" - "5:1:32" - "5:2:48" - "5:3:32" - "5:4:32" - "5:5:32" - "6:0:4" - "6:1:3" - "6:2:4" - "6:3:1" - "6:4:2" - "6:5:2" - "12:0:48" - "12:1:32" - "13:0:48" - "17:0:12" - "17:1:12" - "17:2:12" - "17:3:8" - "18:0:48" - "19:0:8" - "20:0:48" - "22:0:1" - "24:0:32" - "24:1:32" - "24:2:48" - "26:0:1" - "30:0:6" - "35:0:32" - "35:1:32" - "35:2:32" - "35:3:32" - "35:4:32" - "35:5:32" - "35:6:32" - "35:7:32" - "35:8:32" - "35:9:32" - "35:10:32" - "35:11:32" - "35:12:32" - "35:13:32" - "35:14:32" - "35:15:32" - "44:0:32" - "44:1:32" - "44:3:32" - "44:7:32" - "45:0:48" - "47:0:24" - "48:0:32" - "50:0:24" - "53:0:32" - "65:0:32" - "67:0:32" - "79:0:24" - "80:0:32" - "81:0:24" - "82:0:24" - "87:0:32" - "88:0:24" - "89:0:32" - "91:0:4" - "101:0:48" - "102:0:48" - "108:0:48" - "109:0:48" - "112:0:32" - "114:0:32" - "121:0:32" - "128:0:48" - "135:0:48" - "139:0:48" - "139:1:32" - "155:0:64" - "155:1:48" - "155:2:64" - "159:0:48" - "159:0:32" - "159:0:48" - "159:1:32" - "159:3:32" - "159:4:48" - "159:5:48" - "159:7:32" - "159:11:48" - "159:12:32" - "159:13:32" - "159:14:48" - "162:0:12" - "162:1:12" - "163:0:32" - "164:0:48" - "165:0:8" - "168:0:32" - "168:1:32" - "168:2:32" - "169:0:24" - "172:0:48" - "173:0:1" - "174:0:24" - "175:1:12" - "175:4:6" - "175:5:8" - "256:0:1" - "257:0:1" - "258:0:1" - "260:0:6" - "262:0:32" - "263:0:6" - "263:1:8" - "264:0:1" - "265:0:4" - "266:0:4" - "267:0:1" - "276:0:1" - "277:0:1" - "278:0:1" - "279:0:1" - "283:0:1" - "284:0:1" - "285:0:1" - "286:0:1" - "292:0:1" - "293:0:1" - "297:0:4" - "302:0:1" - "303:0:1" - "304:0:1" - "305:0:1" - "306:0:1" - "307:0:1" - "308:0:1" - "309:0:1" - "310:0:1" - "313:0:1" - "314:0:1" - "315:0:1" - "316:0:1" - "317:0:1" - "320:0:6" - "322:0:2" - "326:0:32" - "327:0:16" - "332:0:16" - "345:0:1" - "350:0:8" - "354:0:1" - "355:0:3" - "357:0:12" - "364:0:8" - "365:0:4" - "391:0:8" - "393:0:8" - "400:0:1" - "412:0:4" filtering-level: 3 version: 1.0.0 ...
I'm trying to fix the half-finished plugin: https://github.com/Blubberboy333/CrateKeys I think that one is better than the one Primus made.