i need help :< TC = ... is line 36 PHP: $id = mt_rand(1, mt_getrandmax()); $name = $player->getName(); $tc = $this->getPlugin()->tc->get(strtolower($player->getName()))["ID"]; Spoiler: Error ErrorException: "Trying to access array offset on value of type bool" (EXCEPTION) in "plugins/ReportUI-Master/src/NZS/MS/UI/SubUI/tocaosubcommand" at line 36
"$this->getPlugin()->tc->get(strtolower($player->getName()))" returned true/false You can not access array offset for boolean type. Your code evaluates to something like this PHP: $tc = true["ID"]; Does that make sense?
Which makes me assume that $this->getPlugin()->tc->get(strtolower($player->getName())) is returning false because it's not set! I recommend using something like isset() so you can check if the key in the config exists, before executing your desired code.